Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Hey everyone! Guess what?? I made a new blog! No, I'm not replacing this one, this one will still be used and I will continue to post. I made a blog dedicate to Dollar Tree finds, reviews and more. It's all things dollar store. Fun and affordable! So please go check it out! There's already 4 posts! And more soon! Thanks! <3

Dollar Tree Finds!

xoxo -Madi Hearts

(image from Google search)

L.A. Colors Chunky Lip Pencil 1st Impressions Review {w/ Swatches on lips}

Hi loves! Today I'm finally doing a beauty product review! Whose been waiting for these? Let me know if you like the blog form of reviews compared to videos. So today I'll be doing a 1st impressions of the new L.A. Colors Chunky Lip Pencil in two different colors. I found these at my local Dollar Tree for only $1 each, super good deal! I have also seen others find a pretty coral shade. All pictures show accurate colors.

 The first one is Pretty Pink and the second is Daring Red

$1 each 

 Pretty Pink

 Bottom: Swatched once across
Top: Swatched a couple times to my liking

Pretty Pink on my lips
 (I have naturally slightly darker pigmented lips then you would expect)

Daring Red

Bottom: Swatched once
Top: Swatched a couple times to my liking

 Daring Red on my lips
 (I have naturally slightly darker pigmented lips then you would expect)
This looks a tad brighter because this was taken right in front of a window.

Wearing "Daring Red"

Alrighty! Let's talk about them! So first off these are jumbo lip pencils like everyone has been coming out with and L.A. Colors has jumped on the band wagon. I haven't really been an L.A. Colors makeup fan before but I wasn't against it. I have always considered L.A. Colors to be "cheap" because it is inexpensive and sold at discount store plus I haven't found anything I love from their brand. None the less, I love Dollar Tree and am obsessed with watching hauls from there and I saw people getting these so when I found them I just had to try them out.

Quantity & Cost: The amount of product seems to be about equal to other similar products. Super cheap at only $1 a piece!

Smell & Taste: Slight makeupy-crayon smell, but it doesn't bother me. No noticeable taste other than ew makeup! Don't eat your lipstick kids! ;p

Packaging: Is surprisingly not bad! Also it doesn't seem like the words are gonna rub off easily at all! But...the cap does not stay on well at all! I'd be nervous to just toss this in my purse. Would need to secure it in a pocket for sure! :/

Application & Wear: This applies nicely, I like how it's a little skinner than normally these are, it makes it easy to line the lips and fill in. The red color applies opaquely but the pink no as nice. The pink would probably be nice under a gloss which brings me to my next point. The wear. These kinda suck...sad to say they just don't last very long and they transfer onto everything!! Super annoying!! I barely let a tissue touch my lips and BOOM red. It's not noticeable gone on my lips but it's getting everywhere! Clothes, skin, everything! Also it doesn't stay in the lines of your lips, it's constantly slipping onto the rest of my face. Definitely use a lip liner and top with a gloss to hopefully seal. Also I feel like the pink highlights the dry patches on my lips.

Moisture & Staying Power: Not really moisturizing but not drying. Slide all over and don't really stay, see "Application & Wear".

Removal: Wipes off easily with tissue but the red kinda stains, especially around the outside of my lips. And not stain in a good way at all! 

Pros: Inexpensive, pigmented, pretty colors, retractible, not ugly packaging

Cons: Cap falls off easily, transfers, slips outside of lip line, not too long of wear, maybe scent?, smudgy

Final Verdict: Sadly disappointed. I had high hopes for these! They swatch so nicely! But they just don't stay put, which I have never really had a problem with before. I really do like the red color and how it looks on the lips so I'm gonna try and make it work with liner and gloss. But the pink is just sub-par so I probably won't even bother, I don't know, maybe a gloss, we'll see. If you really wanna try these for yourself you're not wasting much but be for-warned^ all this.

What should I review next?? Would y'all like a whole blog dedicated to Dollar Tree finds and reviews on their products?? Let me know!

<3 -Madi Hearts