Monday, May 2, 2016

Hate on the Internet (Tana & Freelee feud)

Alright. I had to make this right when all of the anger feels hit. I just watched Tana Mogeau's new video calling out "Freelee the Banana Girl". First off let me say my previous feelings on the two. I remember seeing one of Freelee's videos a while back and honestly thought they were odd and she seemed to be a hater and was just flat out mean to other youtubers. Never looked back. I met Tana at BeautyCon Dallas this past March and let me just say she is one of the most genuine, kind, badass people I've ever met. Seriously she's not full of bullshit and it's great! So I watched Tana's new video not knowing what Freelee had posted and I have since watched a couple of Freelee's videos. Let's call a spade a spade here, ok? Freelee is a bitch. Flat out. I am not one to call people names or pull some bullshit like Freelee does and bash people for NO REASON, but if you're gonna just continually bash people just for the views, I'm gonna say something. "Madi, you are now posting hate." If you can't take it, maybe you shouldn't dish it? It's the truth and everyone knows it. What the hell gives her the right to make fun of youtubers for no reason? Ok you want everyone to be vegan, that's your choice but you can't preach it with hate that's not how it works. Try again Freelee. Why does anyone post anything bullying people at all?? Does that really make you feel good about yourself?? Honestly I do not understand. If you wanna tell everyone to be vegan and talk all about veganism that's fine but don't start mocking others just to get the views, it's sad. I fully support Tana and am proud of her for being mature and taking a stand. Tana challenged Freelee to go one month without making a hateful videos and, honestly I think her next video will be a hateful video towards Tana. :/ Can people please for the love of all things holy, PLEASE just be kind and calm the fuck down! I'm sooo over people trolling and hating for views, it's so sad. Ok I'm done.
-Madi Hearts