Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Years Goals~2015!

Hey guys! I know I'm pretty late on blogging this but I still wanted to. I don't like to call them "Resolutions" I like to call them "goals", makes them seem more doable I guess.

First! Let's see what I accomplished from last years goals!

  • Graduate high school! - Well sorta? I got my GED and I'm done with high school ;/
  • Work out at least twice a week -yah
  • Eat healthier/ eat less fast/junk food - eh? I started to like and try new things though!
  • At least 1 main channel video a week (2-4 preferably) - did pretty damn good actually!
  • At least 2 vlogs a month (4+ preferably; I actually wanna do daily vlogs) -eh but I did successfully of Vlogmas!
  • Go to my dream college - plans change
  • Make a solid amount of money from YouTube -not quite there, getting there though! :)
  • Hit our 1 year mark ;) -.....that is no longer.....:/
  • Weekly to daily devotionals - crap....
  • Get back to what I use to be able to do in ice skating - such a fail! Haven't even used my skates!
  • Get rid of my acne -not yet, trying.

  • Well....that was a fail! Dammit... Let's try this again!!
    2014 wasn't to great for me honestly, a lot happening and not things I wanted to happen. I now have depression, severe anxiety, and trust issues because of something that happened last year so one of my goals this year is defiantly to beat that!

    2015 Goals!:
    • Beat my depression! Without meds!
    • Exercise! At least once a week! Build up to twice!
    • Take shorter showers!
    • Keep my room clean! & keep up with my laundry!
    • Get clear skin
    • Have cool hair -dye it lavender
    • Get tatted -3 planned
    • Do YouTube as a full time job!
    • 2-3 main channel videos a week
    • 2+ vlogs a month
    • Make bigger and better videos!
    • Go to Vidcon 2015
    • Make a short film
    • Get rid of all my excess junk!
    • Drink more water!
    • Go to BeautyCon Dallas -ticket purchased!!
    • Move on.
    • Be more who I truly want to be. Be more chill.
    • Start beauty school -esthetician and makeup
    • Get back into the word of God
    • What else...?
    Well. I truly hope this year can be my year. Pray for me? Haha! Good luck on all your goals! What are some of you goals??

    xoxo -Madi Hearts

    Dear Zachary, (#4)

    Hey Zach. O my gosh. It's been like a year since I've written one of these but, I talk to you all the time, you know that. Well thought I'd give you a little update.

    I miss you like crazzzzyyy! I can't believe it's been over a year since you've been gone. I miss you. Please come visit me in my dreams. So remember who I was dating in my last D.Z.? Yah...that's not a thing anymore. We got super serious and then idk he left. It really messed me up tbh. Honestly Zach, please go visit him. I don't think he's ok. He needs you. Please PLEASE go visit him in his dreams. My heart breaks for him because I couldn't imagine being in his shoes.

    Wanna know a secret? Sometimes I daydream that you're still here. I feel like all of our lives would be so different if you were here still. Our lives would be better. I needed someone like you. I still do. I miss you. I feel like now you're our guardian angel, thank you for that. I honestly don't really know what to say. I just want to cry. I haven't cried over you in a while because I know you're in a better place but idk writing this brings it all back. I love you. Talk to you soon.

    xoxo -Madi (thats how I spell my name now btws)