Monday, April 22, 2013

A MUCH Needed Update + Coming Soon!!! :D

Hi!!! O my gosh! It as been wayyy too long! I have been so super busy with school and work! I seriously can NOT wait till summer! 6 more weeks! We can do this! Ok, so first off I made YouTube partner on BOTH of my channels in late February!  And OMG, THANK YOU!!! This is so amazing!! I am sooooooo excited to make all kinds of videos for y'all! Go check out my "I Made Partner?!?" video on my main channel, madiheartsmakeup16. So I have kinda been lacking in videos recentally, and like I said, its because i  have been sooo busy! BUT! This summer, 6 weeks from now, everything changes.

So a week after the last day of school(June 13th) my dad is getting re-married and we are all moving into one big house. Thats me, my dad, my new step-mom Leslie, my step-sister Abby who is 17(4 days older than me actually), and my two step-brothers Zach and Zach(19ish), yes both named zach, one is a foster son. Plus 2 new dogs, my dog, and my Abby and I are both getting hedgehogs! WOW! This should be interesting! We are moving to a different city about 45 minutes from where I live now. You may be wondering, what about school?! Well I will be homeschool/doing online school next year, yes my senior year, and its gonna be ok! I will still go to homecoming and prom at my old school. Im actually really excited because I will only have to school on mondays for 4 hours. Thats it. just 4 hours a week! :) Which means wayyy more time to make videos! Which i am super excited about!! And yes I do still plan to go to collage. I wanna be in fashion and beauty marketing.

As soon as summer 2013 hits I will be doing daily vlogs(or most days vlogs) on my 2nd channel, madiheartsvlogs16. I will continue this for quite sometime, all through fall, winter, and even through NEXT summer! Because I love you guys and I love making videos and I think it will be tons of fun! What are some fun things I could do this summer to vlog? Let me know! Then for my main/beauty channel(madiheartsmakeup16), I will be doing 2-4 videos a week on all things, beauty including hair, makeup, and fashion and maybe even some home decor videos. O! Also On my 2nd channel I will be doing some comedy type vlogs and rants, as well as cooking videos and much more! ALWAYS send me requests! I think what i wanna do is follow me around vlogs 6 days a week then one of those other videos once a week, so there will still be a new video everyday! But im not quite sure yet! ;p

O! And I am going to Vidcon 2013 this august in LA! Which I am super excited about! I went last year and it was a blast! And of course I will be vlogging! If you are going, PLEASE tell me! I would love to absolutely love to meet you! YAH! Internet friends!!!

Well that's all I can think of right now! I'm sure there's more so stay tuned because in 6 short weeks it will be Madi videos overload! ;p There are a few more little things that might be happening  but they aren't 100% yet so I will tell y'all when I can! O! also I am planning to do  a Draw My Life video soon! I planned it out today! ;p So look for that on my main channel within the next couple of weeks! Thank you for everything and get excited for the fun to begin this summer 2013, coming to a computer near you! ;p Thank you so much for reading all this! YOU are awesome! Love you guys!!!
God Bless!
xoxo -Madi :) <3
Tweet Tweet!: @madiheartmakeup
Instagramers!: @madiaugusta

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