Friday, July 19, 2013

Don't let anyone bring you down. :)

Hi everybody! Ok, so recently some things have happened in my life that I never expected to happen and was very shocked by this outcome. Yes, I was angry at first then frustrated then sad, but now I'm happy, yes still a little annoyed of how things "went down" but here is the thing... Everything truly does happen for a reason! and it IS going to be ok! I promise. <3

Now more about what I just dealt with. I'm not going to go into super detail or mention any names because I don't wanna be that girl. But very recently I have had a huge falling out with a girl that use to be my best friend. We are no longer even acquaintances, sadly. I have made a decision that if some one isn't bringing only positive energy into my life, why the heck should I let them into my life?! We had some good time before but this person changed. But honestly how can someone go from your best friend then just start flipping out and tell you that your crazy, and no one likes you, and you have no friends? I mean honestly! I am just so glad I know who my true friends are! (Thank you Jacquelyn, Katie, Hannah & Mary-Kate I love you! & many, many more people!) So yes, much to your dismay *blank* I am doing even better with out you! I am happy and everything is going just swell! :)

So if you are going through a similar situation just remember, if they don't make you happy, you don't need them. :) I love y'all soooo much! Thank you for being amazing!

<3- Madi xoxo
P.S. I'm getting a vlogging camera tonight so expect a ton of new vlogs on madiheartsvlogs16! :D

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