Friday, March 28, 2014

Life Update & What's to Come on my Blog!

HI! Long time no blog! I literally haven't blogged since last year! I had no idea, i'm so sorry! WOW. So let's do a little "life update" today. K? So I made an update video on my channel a little bit ago. Watch it!

O my gosh! Life has been crazy! So 1st off, can anyone believe its almost April of 2014?? HOLY CRAP!!! Like what?!?! But like I said in a recent video(I think this^ one), 2014 is my year, I can feel it in my bones! I graduate from high school this year, which has been a long time coming and I so glad it's almost over! I graduate the first weekend of May but I will be done with school by mid-June, yah online school probs. ;p But no the less I am graduating and will (hopefully) be attending my college of choice this fall! AH! It's all so excite! (Bunny anyone? ;p) ALSO this past February a huge thing happened for me and that is that StyleHaul invited me to join their network!! AHH! O MY GOSH! I'm still in shock! That has been my dream FOREVER! *girlish squeal* AND I hit over 1,000 subscribers on my main channel!! AHHHH!! ALL of the things soooo exciting! & a huge thank you to all of you guys because I would not be able to be here and get all these amazing opportunities through YouTube with out you guys! I love y'all! Really, I do. This year I really feel like I'm "coming into myself", like I'm realized who I truly wanna be as a person. It's my coming of age haha. Also, this year I will be (hopefully) traveling a lot! All of the sudden I wanna go everywhere. ;p I hopefully will be going to Florida with my boyfriend in July to see my grandparents and go to the beach and go on my granddads boat and stuff. But I am 99.9% sure I am going to....VEGAS this September!! AH! AND for free!!! Don't you just love being invited to things by wealthy people?!? XD I will be going for 4 days I believe with my boyfriend and his grandparents (wow lots of grandparents this summer ;p but their cool (and younger if you're curious), for my boyfriends 21st birthday. Don't worry I don't drink, I'm 21 anyways. ;p But boo i can't gamble in Vegas ;/ I'll have to go to Oklahoma. ;p Also, I would loveee to go on a road trip with my boyfriend and his best friend and his girlfriend! I think that would be so fun! I should probably run that by them first ;p I hope none of them see this! 😁 <Look I added and emoji! HAHA! So guys. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow?? HINT: I mentioned it on my video up there^! I'm....getting a TATTOO!! AHH! I'm so excited and so nervous!! I'm getting to X's like this XX except one on top of the other, really small on the left side of my left foot. They are a viking symbol "inguz" which means, where there's a will, there's a way. Let's see if I chicken out! But I will definitely vlog! Random note; I am really liking editing with iMovie! Much better than anything on Windows. So as I mentioned in that^ video. I wanna make more personal videos, like advice of real stuff, like; periods, bras, sex, boys, love and more! What do y'all think?? P.S. I am sooo proud of myself for keeping consistent with my videos! :D

What's to come on this blog?? Well. I definitely wanna blog more! I wanna start doing beauty product reviews and extra pictures from tutorial and fashion videos and such and of corse pictures from my travels! And yes, Dear Zacharys will be coming back. And more life stuff! I feel like I can tell y'all more stuff here then I can on my YouTube videos sometimes.

Well I think that's it for now! I need to try and get some more sleep! I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to vlog! ;p I love y'all bunches and I'll talk to you really soon!!
xoxo -Madi Hearts <3

P.S. I think I'm gonna change my blog URL to MadiHearts because I kinda like being know by that and it drives me nuts that i can't get that username on twitter or instagram and they're taken by people who don't even use their accounts!! UGH!!

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