Friday, December 27, 2013

2014. This is MY Year. (New Years Resolutions)

Guys. It's almost 2014, we have 4 days actually. First of all I can't believe how fast 2013 has gone by, I know I say that every year, but for real?!? Where has the time gone?? I'm blogging today to tell you that 2014 is MY year. I am a senior in high school, so I am graduating this year and I am going to start college to study what I love to hopefully get my dream job. I am going to push myself to achieve my dreams and have the best year of my life! I really want to make a ton of amazing videos for my YouTube channels. I truly love making videos, it's my biggest passion, and I AM going to make a ton of awesome, unique, and new videos this year and I will keep consistent. So...

Madi's New Years Resolutions for 2014:
  • Graduate high school!
  • Work out at least twice a week
  • Eat healthier/ eat less fast/junk food
  • At least 1 main channel video a week (2-4 preferably) 
  • At least 2 vlogs a month (4+ preferably; I actually wanna do daily vlogs)
  • Go to my dream college
  • Make a solid amount of money from YouTube
  • Hit our 1 year mark ;)
  • Weekly to daily devotionals
  • Get back to what I use to be able to do in ice skating
  • Get rid of my acne
  • hmmmm what else is necessary??
What are your New Years Resolutions?? 2013 Summary coming soon! :)

<3- Madi xoxo


  1. This is inspiring :D I really hope 2014 is my year to. I want to do best I can in school competitions. :)

  2. Good choices! hope you have a fantastic new year! :)))
