Monday, October 20, 2014

Cute Things To Do for Your Girlfriend!

Hey everyone! I'm gonna do a post on little things you can do to make your girlfriend smile. You're welcome boys. & don't worry I'll be doing a post on what you can do for your boyfriend next. ;p Remember you don't have to spend money to make her day!

1. Dance. You don't understand how romantic and sweet dancing to some John Mayer is.
2. Cuddle and watch her favorite movie. Even if you hate it, watch it, and don't fall asleep!
3. Give her a massage. Full body massage?? Yes please!
4. Surprise her and just show up at her house. Be carful with this one. Especially earlier on in the relationship. So girls might think it's weird but I think it's cute. Also try and make sure she's home. ;p
5. Bring her a small present. Bonus points if it's something she's been wanting!
6. Bring her, her favorite sweet treat. Starbucks? Pumpkin spice fraps won't be here forever! Taco Bell works too ;p
7. Plan a romantic date. Something out of a movie! Every girl wants a fairytail! Picnic at the lake? Candlelit dinner? Candlelit swim? The options are endless and they don't have to cost much of anything!
8. Have a surprise for her when she gets home. If you live together- clean the whole house! And have dinner waiting with candles lit. If you don't live together- ask her parents or roommates if you can come in and leave a gift on her bed--flowers, chocolate(careful of pets), a new outfit. Or YOU be there! Wait in her room with candles and flowers, so sweet! (this doesn't have to be sexual haha)
9. Plan a new activity for y'all to try. Be adventurous! Go hiking, rock climbing, snorkeling, indoor sky diving, or regular skydiving, if you're brave enough! If it's something big that you're not sure she would be comfortable with, run it by her first, everything doesn't have to be a surprise!
10. Give her a hoodie of yours to snuggle with. Girls love this! Something she can cuddle with at night that smells like you and she can wear to class and everyone knows she's got a boo ;*
11. Text her just to tell her you're thinking of her. Including but not limited to; good morning/good night texts, fun pictures of things she'll love, cute selfies, little things you love about her or your favorite memories together.
12. Call her cute names. Some girls hate this, but I think it's precious! Baby and babe get old! Try Princess, Angel, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Sweetheart, Honey, and get cheesy sometimes like Gummy Bear or make her name into something else. EX: Marshmellow (gotta love HIMYM ;p)
13. Do seasonal activities. Fall? Pumpkin patch and hayrides Winter? Build that snowman Elsa! Decorate! Go look at christmas lights, don't forget the hot cocoa. Spring? Go to an arboretum (great Instagram time). Summer? Swim, go to the beach, lake, on a boat! Run through sprinklers like kids!
14. Help her with homework or chores. If she needs help with her homework, help her! Also help her get housework done! Do the dishes and she'll love you forever!
15. Take cute pictures. Every girl wants to be able to post adorable couple pics to make all her friends jealous!
16. Go out for a fancy dinner. Get dressed up all nice (both of you) and go to a fancy restaurant you've always wanted to try. & you pay boys! Tell her to get whatever she wants! Make sure you've budgeted to tip as well.
17. Creep on her Pinterest. This might sound weird but believe me a girls Pinterest is filled with ideas of things she'd love! It's like a cheat code boys.
18. Write a letter to her. You don't understand how far a hand written note will go. Always give her cards for holidays with long, meaningful messages, she'll melt.
19. Leave a note on her car. If you pass her car or see it at school, leave a little love note under the wipers. A post-it note or a letter, wither works! She'll be so touched you went out of your way.
20. Text her a link. To a song that reminds you of her, a funny video she'll love, or to your newest FB post raving about how much you love her. :)
21. Go favorite/like all her newsiest selfies. And comment on how gorgeous she is!
22. Make it public. Post pictures of y'all on FB, Twitter, and/or Instagram. Show her off! Make her your #womancrushwednesday! She'll swoon.
23. Make a relationship bucket list. A bucket list of all the things you wanna do together, and actually do them! It makes for a great "what do we do today?" list.
24. Ask her BFF for advice. You better know who her best friend is! PM them and ask what are her favorite thing, things she secretly loves, or ways to surprise her!
25. Take her shopping. Take her to the mall (she'll already be shocked) and tell her you want to buy her a new outfit or something she wants! Or when you go shopping surprise her when she's about to pay and swipe your card instead! Or run back into the store and buy the thing she wanted, but put back, when she's not looking.

Got anymore?? Let me know! Maybe I'll make a part 2!
xoxo -Madi Hearts

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