Saturday, October 18, 2014

Who I Am, Where I've Been & Where I Want To Be

Hi! So I just wanted to talk more like babble about some things I've been thinking about lately.

I have changed sooooo much over the past year it's insane!! All the sh!t I've been through, it's ridiculous. If y'all didn't know I went through a really bad breakup earlier this year and I thought I'd never recover, but what do you know?? Everyone was right, time does heal. And now I've found someone who makes me crazy happy (in fact his tired ass is passed out next to me right now haha) and I'm really excited to see where things go! Yes the split with my ex was just awful, he handled it horribly and I was crushed. But it showed his true colors and proved that I shouldn't be with him, I deserve better. Yes, it's sad that things happened the way they did but thats life. I have learned sooo much and grown so much since that horrible breakup. I now understand heartbreak, I've matured and realized what I want in life, and of course I met my new boo(who's quite precious btw ;p).

Well now I'm almost 19 and I'm making plans for myself, as every young adult does, hopefully I don't regret them. Currently, I want to move out (back to my old city -40 mins. from me) and get my own apartment with a roommate. Also I just got a manager position at my old job that I am super pumped for and thats in the old city so I'd be super nice to move back. I want to finish this semester of school and take next semester off. I am going to be working super hard on my youtube channel (Madi Hearts) to try and make it my full time job because I absolutely LOVE being a youtuber and think it would be the coolest and best job ever! Maybe I won't go back to college....who know where I'll be a year from now..nothings for sure! And along with youtube (which is my part time job) I want to work my ass off at both of my jobs so I can save money, so I can move out! Also I want to enjoy life while I'm young. I was so set on settling down as soon as possible, earlier this year but now I know I need to be "selfish" while I can, live life, explore, and travel! Also I really want to try and make things work in my new relationship and if not, I want to learn from it.

So many adventures to come and who the hell knows what's gonna happen next?! Life is a roller coaster and I'm officially strapped in for the ride!

<3 -Madi :)

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