Monday, August 20, 2012

Girly Questions Tag!

Today I'm gonna do the Girly Questions Tag, i found this on youtube and just decided to do it in a blog post! :)
I tag EVERYBODY to do this!! Leave a link to your post or video in a comment! :) <3 

1. Is it cute when a guy kisses you on the forehead? YES!
2. Poofy dress or short party dress? Short
3. Would you like a long love letter? Yes <3
4. Group dates or single dates?
5. Do you hate when guys act different around their friends? YES!
6. Are diamonds a girls best friend? DUH! & chocolate! ;p
7. Is your hair up or down? Down
8. Do you straighten your hair? Sometimes
9. What's your favorite girly magazine? People Style Watch
10. What's your favorite mascara? Currently Maybelline One By One- Black
11. Do you get your nails done? Sometimes, but not too often
12. Small or large purses? I use to be obsessed with huge purses! But now, small! 
13. Jeans or skirts? BOTH! Jeggings too :)
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? I try not to, because who wants that!
15. Do you text a lot? Mehh kinda, sorta, not really
16. What would you do if you got pregnant? ummm... well that wont happen for a looooong time but um freak out!
17. Whats your favorite color? Tiffany blue and periwinkle! 
18. Heals or flats? Flats are way more comfy but heals can be super cute! so probably flats!
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? YESS! OMG! YES! :,)
20. Would you ever leave the house without makeup on? Sure!
21. Walmart or target? TARGET all the way!
22. Do you wear shirts with collars? Sometimes
23. Do you like preppy boys? Yah! ;p
24. Are you spoiled? Not really, but I am (technically) an only child
25. Do you think lipgloss is the best? I prefer tinted lip balms but i still love lip gloss!
26. Do you own any big sunglasses? YES! ALL of mine are big!
27. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 1 hour to 1 & 1/2 hours
28. Do you like to wear band aids? ummm i guess if they're cute! ;p
29. Do you like skater boys? Yeahhh ;p
30. Gold or silver? I feel like gold is classier but silver goes with more, both? 
31. Do you like to get flowers? Yah! But i actually prefer things i can hold onto to save the memory! :)
32. Do you like surfer boys? YES!!!
33. Do you dress up for the holidays? Yeppers!
34. Do you like dresses? YESS!
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? 10 being badly, 6
36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? sorta, my friends friends, but my dad, yah! ;p
37. Do you wear lipsticks? yep!
38. Do you like to hold hands? yah! <3
39. What is the youngest you would date? umm well im almost 17 so 16
40. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? height, hair, eyes, body language

41. Is it hot when guys are sweaty? ummm maybe sometimes ;p
42. What is the best possible feature in a boy? Christian and likes to just chill and we weird and have fun!
43. Do you like making eye contact? Yes but i can be awkward 
44. Do you ever picture your wedding dress or wedding? YES!!! (Pinterest!!! ;p)
45. Would you kill for chocolate? Literally, NO! 
46. Do you ever spend all day and night getting pretty for a guy? No, but maybe a little extra time! ;p
47. On a scale of 1-10 how fun is shopping? 11! :p
48. Do you freak out if you miss your fav shows? YES omg!
49. Do you yell a lot? Kinda, sorta, not really, maybe! ;p
50. Do you wear sweatpants to school/work? Sometimes, not work but school yah sometimes
51. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? nope!
52. Do you write a lot of mushy letter? What??!?! Ummm nooo...
53. What makeup could you not live without out? concealer, mascara, and powder!!!
54. Do you fall in love easy? Umm not really idk!
55. Do you have cramps right now? actually yes, thank you!
56. Do you consider yourself pretty? Umm yes? I think everyone should!
57. Do you think guys will open this even though it says girly questions? Maybe ;p

<3- Madi :)

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