Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dear Zachary, (#3)

Dear Zachary,
                         Alright. It's 1:24am on Thursday, December 19th 2013. I went to bed last night at like 8:30ish and I was just awoken a few minutes ago from dream. Zach, I finally had a dream about you, but I think you are well aware of that. I think it was you. I think it wad you trying to "give me closure"? I don't know, let me explain.

     So I don't remember how to beginning went or how this came to be in my dream, but my whole dream was very vivid and for some reason it woke me up, but it wasn't scary at all. So you know how I had that crazy idea in the back of my head that you would just walk back in the door one day? Well, in my dream, you did. So you came back, you were home, and we were all so happy! We were sitting in the media room, all us siblings and you were sitting in that big white chair and I walked over to you and just stood there with my arms open "Come on." I said, you know motioning for a hug. Then you got up and gave me one of those big bear hugs that I miss so much, and that part was the most vivid, and I know this sounds crazy but, it felt so real, like you were actually hugging me, I felt like I was half awake and I was actually able to give you one last hug. Was that you? Was it really you trying to give me closure? If so, thank you. Thank you for visiting me in my dreams and please come back soon. O, back to the dream. After the hug I remember we were in your room and we had gotten new stuff for your room and Abby and I asked you if you heard us when would talk to you in heaven, and you said no and we were like oooooo awkward, and we all laughed. And then we asked you about heaven and what it was like, and you didn't remember and for some reason we concluded that was from the car crash you had, had that week. Abby and I also gave each other this look, like a "maybe he wasn't dead and he just ran off" look. Isn't that crazy?!? I don't know why I remember that! Believe me we would all obviously rather of you to have just run off and left us instead of being gone forever. I also remember so some reason I gave you this weird pink bunny or bear stuffed animal haha. I'm not gonna lie there was one other weird thing in that dream, the sheets on your bed were the same ones from that night, you know not clean at all, basically there was blood on them. I don't know, it was really weird but you didn't seem to mind, does that symbolize something? I don't know but, other than that we just talked, like nothing had changed.
     Also its weird because the other night my friend Katie had a dream about you. Yes, that Katie. She had a dream she was at our house and we went downstairs and you were just chillin' on the couch and said, "Hey whats up guys?" And we said, "That's weird, you look like Zach but that's not possible, you passed away." And you said "I know but I'm Zach." And apparently you gave Katie this look that she said it was you saying that, you are okay and that you are an angel. And after Katie told me that I said I wished I had a dream about you and what do you know! :)

    Another also, when I woke up I don't know, I felt this "presence" in my room, like you were there, there for me, to comfort me. I hope it was you. Please please PLEASE come visit me and hug me again Zach. I miss you more than I ever thought I could. I love you. Goodnight.

-Madey xoxo

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