Monday, June 30, 2014

True Happiness

What is true happiness? I believe everyone has their own definition of happiness and what happiness is to them. Some people may say tea in the morning or a good run. I'll tell you mine.

Happiness to me is being truly happy in all aspects of life. My current situation, when everything is just going great. I don't need money to be happy, not at all. Some things happening in my life currently have really made me realize how important, just simply being happy, is to me. I would rather be dirt poor and happy everyday then be rich and miserable.

Here are some things that make me truly happy:
A clean room
No homework
A fresh clean car
A good shopping day
Getting lots of good feedback on a new video
Keeping up with my videos for a long period of time
The straight out of the shower clean feeling
Being on a boat
The smell in the air right before and after it rains
Cool summer nights
A delicious meal ready right when I'm hungry
And to get a little more deep...
Being truly and completely loved my someone
A boy calling me beautiful
Someone saying I'm their world
Cuddling up with the guy I love on a rainy morning
Good morning/ good night texts

Do you know when I was truly as happy as I've ever been? When I was with the guy I loved and he loved me and we were just hanging around the house and I could sit there and truly thought we would be together forever. That is happiness; knowing I will be with the one I love forever and we will have all these amazing times together, that is bliss.

Sadly, true happiness is hard to find, and sometimes it doesn't stick. BUT that just means something much better is coming your way and you just have to keep your chin up, buttercup!

-Madi xoxo

~Everything happens for a reason~

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