Monday, November 11, 2013

Dear Zachary,

This is a letter to my (step) brother Zach, who passed away last Friday night from accidental overdose.(See last post) He was 19.

Dear Zachary,
                         I can NOT believe you are really gone. It still hasn't sunk in and I don't think it will. I hope you know how much we all truly love you.  And you know how people wonder, what would people do if i died? Well. You wouldn't believe all the love people have for you. And o my gosh I wish you were here to have all this food, you would just love it! ;p (people keep bringing us food) I keep thinking this is all just a nightmare and every time I wake up I feel like life will be back to normal, and sadly it's not. I keep thinking your gonna knock on my door and be like "Hey what's up dude? Can we talk?" I would literally do anything to have you back. ANYTHING, just to see you again and hug you one last time and dammit get a picture with just you and I because, I don't think we have one! :( Zachary, I am so sorry for ever being rude to you, or making you mad, or getting in your business, but it was all because I care about you so much! Zach I will never EVER forget you, you will always be in my heart, forever. I might even get a little diamond tattoo for you(like yours!) can you believe it?? ;p I know you're happy now and you're no longer in pain and I'm so happy for you for that. I bet you were so excited to see your grandparents and your friends, and Charlie! I bet Charlie was so happy to see you! What is it like up there? Is it like that book 90 Minutes in Heaven?? Gosh I wish I could just see you again. Come talk to me in my dreams, K? I'll be waiting. But Zachary I swear if you try to scare me....NOT funny.... O! Did you meet my Grandma Lois? Tell her how much I love and miss her please. I already feel like I wanna write you everyday. Of course me, being me, I already wanna start a new blog just for you(is that morbid?), because I mean we talked about everything! I NEED to tell you these things! Don't worry, I will write you, and maybe I'll even make you some videos! ;p And you know that thing you were trying to do?? Yah that. Don't worry, I'll make it happen, I swear to you. :) (our little secret) O, and that thing you told me? I won't tell. Unless you want me to(this is were the visit me in my dreams comes in handy). Your memorial is this Friday. It's gonna be so weird... I hope no one wears black, you would want us to wear color, so we will. :) I promise I will write you again soon! Did you meet my Grandma Vicki? She was my mom's mom. I never met her, you'd like her. O MY GOSH!!! Did you meet Moses and stuff?!?! Well duh. You met Jesus! Ugh I can't wait to meet them, and see you again. You are so funny and talented and kind and sweet and caring! People are gonna be fighting over your artwork! LOL! I love you Zach, more than anything and I will miss you more than anything in this entire universe! I love you.
xoxo- Madey
Zachary Raymond Brown
May 5, 1994- November 8, 2013
P.S. I'm gonna listen to "No Guns Allowed" just for you ;p <3

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