Saturday, December 27, 2014

Holiday Giveaway! Enter Here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 20, 2014

Cute Things To Do for Your Girlfriend!

Hey everyone! I'm gonna do a post on little things you can do to make your girlfriend smile. You're welcome boys. & don't worry I'll be doing a post on what you can do for your boyfriend next. ;p Remember you don't have to spend money to make her day!

1. Dance. You don't understand how romantic and sweet dancing to some John Mayer is.
2. Cuddle and watch her favorite movie. Even if you hate it, watch it, and don't fall asleep!
3. Give her a massage. Full body massage?? Yes please!
4. Surprise her and just show up at her house. Be carful with this one. Especially earlier on in the relationship. So girls might think it's weird but I think it's cute. Also try and make sure she's home. ;p
5. Bring her a small present. Bonus points if it's something she's been wanting!
6. Bring her, her favorite sweet treat. Starbucks? Pumpkin spice fraps won't be here forever! Taco Bell works too ;p
7. Plan a romantic date. Something out of a movie! Every girl wants a fairytail! Picnic at the lake? Candlelit dinner? Candlelit swim? The options are endless and they don't have to cost much of anything!
8. Have a surprise for her when she gets home. If you live together- clean the whole house! And have dinner waiting with candles lit. If you don't live together- ask her parents or roommates if you can come in and leave a gift on her bed--flowers, chocolate(careful of pets), a new outfit. Or YOU be there! Wait in her room with candles and flowers, so sweet! (this doesn't have to be sexual haha)
9. Plan a new activity for y'all to try. Be adventurous! Go hiking, rock climbing, snorkeling, indoor sky diving, or regular skydiving, if you're brave enough! If it's something big that you're not sure she would be comfortable with, run it by her first, everything doesn't have to be a surprise!
10. Give her a hoodie of yours to snuggle with. Girls love this! Something she can cuddle with at night that smells like you and she can wear to class and everyone knows she's got a boo ;*
11. Text her just to tell her you're thinking of her. Including but not limited to; good morning/good night texts, fun pictures of things she'll love, cute selfies, little things you love about her or your favorite memories together.
12. Call her cute names. Some girls hate this, but I think it's precious! Baby and babe get old! Try Princess, Angel, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Sweetheart, Honey, and get cheesy sometimes like Gummy Bear or make her name into something else. EX: Marshmellow (gotta love HIMYM ;p)
13. Do seasonal activities. Fall? Pumpkin patch and hayrides Winter? Build that snowman Elsa! Decorate! Go look at christmas lights, don't forget the hot cocoa. Spring? Go to an arboretum (great Instagram time). Summer? Swim, go to the beach, lake, on a boat! Run through sprinklers like kids!
14. Help her with homework or chores. If she needs help with her homework, help her! Also help her get housework done! Do the dishes and she'll love you forever!
15. Take cute pictures. Every girl wants to be able to post adorable couple pics to make all her friends jealous!
16. Go out for a fancy dinner. Get dressed up all nice (both of you) and go to a fancy restaurant you've always wanted to try. & you pay boys! Tell her to get whatever she wants! Make sure you've budgeted to tip as well.
17. Creep on her Pinterest. This might sound weird but believe me a girls Pinterest is filled with ideas of things she'd love! It's like a cheat code boys.
18. Write a letter to her. You don't understand how far a hand written note will go. Always give her cards for holidays with long, meaningful messages, she'll melt.
19. Leave a note on her car. If you pass her car or see it at school, leave a little love note under the wipers. A post-it note or a letter, wither works! She'll be so touched you went out of your way.
20. Text her a link. To a song that reminds you of her, a funny video she'll love, or to your newest FB post raving about how much you love her. :)
21. Go favorite/like all her newsiest selfies. And comment on how gorgeous she is!
22. Make it public. Post pictures of y'all on FB, Twitter, and/or Instagram. Show her off! Make her your #womancrushwednesday! She'll swoon.
23. Make a relationship bucket list. A bucket list of all the things you wanna do together, and actually do them! It makes for a great "what do we do today?" list.
24. Ask her BFF for advice. You better know who her best friend is! PM them and ask what are her favorite thing, things she secretly loves, or ways to surprise her!
25. Take her shopping. Take her to the mall (she'll already be shocked) and tell her you want to buy her a new outfit or something she wants! Or when you go shopping surprise her when she's about to pay and swipe your card instead! Or run back into the store and buy the thing she wanted, but put back, when she's not looking.

Got anymore?? Let me know! Maybe I'll make a part 2!
xoxo -Madi Hearts

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Who I Am, Where I've Been & Where I Want To Be

Hi! So I just wanted to talk more like babble about some things I've been thinking about lately.

I have changed sooooo much over the past year it's insane!! All the sh!t I've been through, it's ridiculous. If y'all didn't know I went through a really bad breakup earlier this year and I thought I'd never recover, but what do you know?? Everyone was right, time does heal. And now I've found someone who makes me crazy happy (in fact his tired ass is passed out next to me right now haha) and I'm really excited to see where things go! Yes the split with my ex was just awful, he handled it horribly and I was crushed. But it showed his true colors and proved that I shouldn't be with him, I deserve better. Yes, it's sad that things happened the way they did but thats life. I have learned sooo much and grown so much since that horrible breakup. I now understand heartbreak, I've matured and realized what I want in life, and of course I met my new boo(who's quite precious btw ;p).

Well now I'm almost 19 and I'm making plans for myself, as every young adult does, hopefully I don't regret them. Currently, I want to move out (back to my old city -40 mins. from me) and get my own apartment with a roommate. Also I just got a manager position at my old job that I am super pumped for and thats in the old city so I'd be super nice to move back. I want to finish this semester of school and take next semester off. I am going to be working super hard on my youtube channel (Madi Hearts) to try and make it my full time job because I absolutely LOVE being a youtuber and think it would be the coolest and best job ever! Maybe I won't go back to college....who know where I'll be a year from now..nothings for sure! And along with youtube (which is my part time job) I want to work my ass off at both of my jobs so I can save money, so I can move out! Also I want to enjoy life while I'm young. I was so set on settling down as soon as possible, earlier this year but now I know I need to be "selfish" while I can, live life, explore, and travel! Also I really want to try and make things work in my new relationship and if not, I want to learn from it.

So many adventures to come and who the hell knows what's gonna happen next?! Life is a roller coaster and I'm officially strapped in for the ride!

<3 -Madi :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Hey everyone! Guess what?? I made a new blog! No, I'm not replacing this one, this one will still be used and I will continue to post. I made a blog dedicate to Dollar Tree finds, reviews and more. It's all things dollar store. Fun and affordable! So please go check it out! There's already 4 posts! And more soon! Thanks! <3

Dollar Tree Finds!

xoxo -Madi Hearts

(image from Google search)

L.A. Colors Chunky Lip Pencil 1st Impressions Review {w/ Swatches on lips}

Hi loves! Today I'm finally doing a beauty product review! Whose been waiting for these? Let me know if you like the blog form of reviews compared to videos. So today I'll be doing a 1st impressions of the new L.A. Colors Chunky Lip Pencil in two different colors. I found these at my local Dollar Tree for only $1 each, super good deal! I have also seen others find a pretty coral shade. All pictures show accurate colors.

 The first one is Pretty Pink and the second is Daring Red

$1 each 

 Pretty Pink

 Bottom: Swatched once across
Top: Swatched a couple times to my liking

Pretty Pink on my lips
 (I have naturally slightly darker pigmented lips then you would expect)

Daring Red

Bottom: Swatched once
Top: Swatched a couple times to my liking

 Daring Red on my lips
 (I have naturally slightly darker pigmented lips then you would expect)
This looks a tad brighter because this was taken right in front of a window.

Wearing "Daring Red"

Alrighty! Let's talk about them! So first off these are jumbo lip pencils like everyone has been coming out with and L.A. Colors has jumped on the band wagon. I haven't really been an L.A. Colors makeup fan before but I wasn't against it. I have always considered L.A. Colors to be "cheap" because it is inexpensive and sold at discount store plus I haven't found anything I love from their brand. None the less, I love Dollar Tree and am obsessed with watching hauls from there and I saw people getting these so when I found them I just had to try them out.

Quantity & Cost: The amount of product seems to be about equal to other similar products. Super cheap at only $1 a piece!

Smell & Taste: Slight makeupy-crayon smell, but it doesn't bother me. No noticeable taste other than ew makeup! Don't eat your lipstick kids! ;p

Packaging: Is surprisingly not bad! Also it doesn't seem like the words are gonna rub off easily at all! But...the cap does not stay on well at all! I'd be nervous to just toss this in my purse. Would need to secure it in a pocket for sure! :/

Application & Wear: This applies nicely, I like how it's a little skinner than normally these are, it makes it easy to line the lips and fill in. The red color applies opaquely but the pink no as nice. The pink would probably be nice under a gloss which brings me to my next point. The wear. These kinda suck...sad to say they just don't last very long and they transfer onto everything!! Super annoying!! I barely let a tissue touch my lips and BOOM red. It's not noticeable gone on my lips but it's getting everywhere! Clothes, skin, everything! Also it doesn't stay in the lines of your lips, it's constantly slipping onto the rest of my face. Definitely use a lip liner and top with a gloss to hopefully seal. Also I feel like the pink highlights the dry patches on my lips.

Moisture & Staying Power: Not really moisturizing but not drying. Slide all over and don't really stay, see "Application & Wear".

Removal: Wipes off easily with tissue but the red kinda stains, especially around the outside of my lips. And not stain in a good way at all! 

Pros: Inexpensive, pigmented, pretty colors, retractible, not ugly packaging

Cons: Cap falls off easily, transfers, slips outside of lip line, not too long of wear, maybe scent?, smudgy

Final Verdict: Sadly disappointed. I had high hopes for these! They swatch so nicely! But they just don't stay put, which I have never really had a problem with before. I really do like the red color and how it looks on the lips so I'm gonna try and make it work with liner and gloss. But the pink is just sub-par so I probably won't even bother, I don't know, maybe a gloss, we'll see. If you really wanna try these for yourself you're not wasting much but be for-warned^ all this.

What should I review next?? Would y'all like a whole blog dedicated to Dollar Tree finds and reviews on their products?? Let me know!

<3 -Madi Hearts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Music Favs!

Hey y'all! I haven't done a music favorites in a while! So I thought I would talk about them music i have been loving this summer and recently! :)

Earlier this summer:
Summer -Calvin Harris
Problem -Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azaela
Fancy -Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX
Boom Clap -Charli XCX
American Girl (Bonnie McGee) -Cover by ItsMePaulina on YT
American Kids -Kenny Chesney
Bartender -Lady Antebellum
Break Free -Ariana Grande feat. Zedd
Chandelier -Sia
All of Charlie Puth's (on YT) original songs
I Wanna Get Better -Bleachers
Feel The Love -Hoodie Allen (Refound love!)
Partition -Beyonce
Pills N Potions -Nicki Minaj
Work -Iggy Azaela (& the DJ Reflex remix)
All Iggy really
Sail -Awolnation (it will never get old!)
XO -Beyonce
Muse -O.C.A.D.
Little Girl Big World -O.C.A.D.

More Recently:
Right As Rain -Adele
Valerie -Amy Winehouse
Undressed -Kim Cesarion
All About That Bass -Meghan Trainor
Rather Be -Clean Bandit
Bang Bang -Jessie J, Ariana Grande, & Nicki Minaj
Best Mistake -Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean

Pandora Stations:
Amy Winehouse
Iggy Azalea

What am I missing?? What are you loving right now?

<3- Madi Hearts xoxo

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Favorite YouTubers!

Hey everyone! Hope y'all are doing good! Today I am going to be doing a post I've been meaning to do forever; my favorite YouTubers! Some of these are all time favorites that I have been watching for 4+ years and others I have recently found and am now obsessed! Here we go! (In no particular order)

~The Shaytards
~Bethany Mota (MacBarbie07)
~Anthony & Kalel (WatchUsLiveAndStuff)
~Bunny Meyer (Grav3yardgirl)
~Tati (GlamLifeGuru)
~Kirsten (kmoneykmoneykmoney)
~Trisha Paytas (blndsundoll4mj)
I'm sure I'll add more soon! ;p

Who are your favorite YouTubers??

<3 -Madi Hearts

Monday, June 30, 2014

True Happiness

What is true happiness? I believe everyone has their own definition of happiness and what happiness is to them. Some people may say tea in the morning or a good run. I'll tell you mine.

Happiness to me is being truly happy in all aspects of life. My current situation, when everything is just going great. I don't need money to be happy, not at all. Some things happening in my life currently have really made me realize how important, just simply being happy, is to me. I would rather be dirt poor and happy everyday then be rich and miserable.

Here are some things that make me truly happy:
A clean room
No homework
A fresh clean car
A good shopping day
Getting lots of good feedback on a new video
Keeping up with my videos for a long period of time
The straight out of the shower clean feeling
Being on a boat
The smell in the air right before and after it rains
Cool summer nights
A delicious meal ready right when I'm hungry
And to get a little more deep...
Being truly and completely loved my someone
A boy calling me beautiful
Someone saying I'm their world
Cuddling up with the guy I love on a rainy morning
Good morning/ good night texts

Do you know when I was truly as happy as I've ever been? When I was with the guy I loved and he loved me and we were just hanging around the house and I could sit there and truly thought we would be together forever. That is happiness; knowing I will be with the one I love forever and we will have all these amazing times together, that is bliss.

Sadly, true happiness is hard to find, and sometimes it doesn't stick. BUT that just means something much better is coming your way and you just have to keep your chin up, buttercup!

-Madi xoxo

~Everything happens for a reason~

Thursday, June 26, 2014

To Move On

To move on is a complicated task. To put everything behind you, that meant the most to you, is one of the hardest things a human will have to do in their lifetime. Gathering up your broken pieces and pushing on through life. People have to decided to move on from something. This "something" could be a lot of things, a romantic relationship, a friendship, a failed relationship with a family member, a unreachable goal, the passing of a loved one, and so many more. Sadly, every soul on this earth will feel the pain of loss and having to start again without something or someone that meant so much to you. Personally, I have lost many things in my lifetime; my grandmother, my step-brother, having a non-broken family, friends along the way who have given up on our friendship, and many more. The hardest of all these is true loss, a loved one passing away. But personally I feel that this if a type of loss where you have closure. Sadly, you know there is no bringing them back, but if you're a christian like myself you know they are now happy, healthy, and you will see them again one day. This is immensely comforting. I know that even though I will no longer be able to see and talk with my grandmother or step-brother here on earth, I know they are happy and healthy in heaven, and because they believe and I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior I will get to see them again one day. With death there is closure, you know there is no going back, which is awful but at least you won't be hanging on to the threads of "maybe" or "what if". With relationship loss. whether it's a lover, a friend or a family member, I feel like we all just wanna hold on to the hope that this might be fixed one day. But we can't hold on to that hope forever. Yes, any kind of loss requires grieving time, this could be months depending on how close you were with that person and how things ended. But after some time, we have to come to the realization that they aren't coming back. It's best to tell our selves this too. One, it will help you to move on, and two if they do end up coming back, you'll be even happier! But do not tell yourself "O they'll be back, just wait." Because if they don't come back, you'll be even more upset. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and our minds will try to convince us that it will all fix it's self, because that's what we want to hear. The sad reality is sometimes things don't work out, even if everything was fine and there was no reason, sometimes things just end. And yes, sometimes we don't ever even get answers. Some people just aren't man or woman enough to think about your feelings and tell the truth. Staying hooked on one bad memory isn't healthy either. But how do we move on? When we've lost our everything, that we've put all our hope, trust, and love into, how do we begin again?

First, take your time, explain to people that you are grieving. (We are talking about relationship loss, not death.) They say it takes about half of your relationships span of time to get over someone. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Do not rush into a new relationship, don't get a rebound. Don't hurt someone else just because you are hurting. Second, leave that person(who has walked out of your life) alone. Give them time and space. I understand trying to talk to them or contact them for a bit in the beginning is obvious but sometimes people just need some breathing room. Definitely, do not stalk them! Bad! You don't want to get arrested! Don't harass their other friends either because they will tell them. Just back off for a bit. Who knows maybe they will realize that they truly made a mistake and then this break in your relationship will make you stronger as a couple or a friends(whatever applies to you). Third, talk it out. Therapy or counseling is NOT a bad thing! This can be super helpful to get an outside opinion, especially from a professional. Also find some good family and/or friends that will hear you out, and be there for you, don't overwhelm them with your problems forever and also be there for them even through your own struggles. You don't wanna lose more people through this. Forth, "out of sight, out of mind." This doesn't work wonders, but it does help. Anything that they gave you, or reminds you of them, put it away. You don't need to burn their clothes! But put that stuff in a box in the back of your closet to help you not think about. After sometime delete your pictures together from your social media and maybe even delete them? You don't want to see how good their doing without you! Or leave them so they can see how good you are without them! ;p I know deleting pictures from your phone is super hard so don't worry about doing that for a long time, just don't look at them. Fifth, focus on you! This is most important! Get back to your normal day to day life. Focus on your job, your school work, your old hobbies. Even try some new stuff! Emerse your self in distractions, distractions that you truly enjoy! Do things you didn't have time for before! Plus if they see you moving on, chances are they will probably want to talk again. People want what they can't have. But most importantly, don't dwell on the past. Everything happens for a reason. Remember that. I know it's hard to see in the middle of pain but everything will all work out for the best. "One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize why all the other ones left." God has plan. And you are never alone! Also remember it could be so much worse, others all around the world are going through things up to 100x worse then your problems, be thankful it's not worse! A personal suggestion? Get the book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. It's available at most bookstores. This is an amazing book! It truly has been on point with helping me through my current issues. It's simple daily devotional but it always has to do with what I'm going through, its crazy! Check it out! (no i'm not sponsored haha) It is Bible based, obviously, but is just truly over all, inspiring and super helpful and calming. I love it!

I hope this was helpful! Don't be afraid to comment or private message me on YouTube(madiheartsmakeup16) with any questions! I would be glad to talk to you all! I wish you all the best and am praying for you, yes you! I love you and remember you are beautiful and truly amazing no matter what anybody says! :) And remember we are all humans so treat other as you would want to be treated. Don't just drop people, give explanations, and just be a kind human being.

<3- Madi xoxo

Monday, June 2, 2014

I Am Broken.

I am now a broken human being. I have never felt this kind of pain. It's an ache that can't be fixed by anything.  It feels like I was a fragile porcelain doll being carefully guarded but in actuality being strung up to be left alone and then shot with a gun, and now I'm in a million pieces all over the ground, as the person I thought cared about me the most walks over my broken pieces and leaves with no real explanation and doesn't come back. And he's the one who did it. He broke me. After constantly reassuring me, it all feels like a scam. I feel used, abused and once again unwanted and useless. Everything was perfect. There were no signs. And all of the sudden out of the blue, without reason, my world is crushed. Because my world up and left. He was my world. Still is. I can't stop thinking about all this. It is affecting my whole life. I am a different person now. Shy, with terrible trust issues. All because of him. I was as happy as I've ever been with him. I lost my best friend and the love of my life and I don't know how to go on. He said he loved me, he said I was his world, he said how lucky he was to have me and he would never ever leave me. He asked me to marry him, and I said yes. I feel like an idiot. I put all of my hope, trust, love and effort into this relationship for nothing. I gave up everything for him and would have done anything for him. He said he wanted to have babies with me and grow old with me. Now what? How do I go on when my world abandoned me? I had my whole life planned out and now.... I can't stop crying. I have had a least a dozen panic attacks and hyperventilating fits. Does he even care? Would he care if I died? Would he regret it all? He said he didn't love me anymore. Overnight? It can't be. Was it his friends? Is it commitment issues? Is it me? .......Is he ever coming back?

I don't need a boyfriend to survive. But he wasn't just my boyfriend. He was my best friend, the love of my life, my happy place, my future husband and my future kid's dad. We've been through so much. We are perfect for each other. We are the same person. I trusted him.

"If You Love Someone, Set Them Free. If They Come Back They’re Yours."

I guess I have to let go. It is literally the hardest thing in the world. I want more than anything to fix this and will do anything. But how can someone who said they loved me so much, do this to me. 

What do you do when you've lost your everything? 

-Madison xoxo

**P.S. If anyone reading this knows him. Please do not harass him. You will only make it worse for me. Posting this probably wasn't a good idea anyways. All I ask is for prayers(or good thoughts) sent my way. Thank you. <3

~I will always love you.~

Friday, April 4, 2014

March Music!

Hey everyone! Here are my current favorite songs as of March 2014! ;p Enjoy!

Frozen Soundtrack
   -Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
   -Let it Go
   -Love is an Open Door
   -In Summer
   -Fixer Upper
   -For the First Time in Forever
   -Frozen Heart
Daniella Andrea on YT cover
   -Crave You
   -La Vie En Rose
Ain't It Fun -Paramore
We Made You -Eminem
I Choose You -Sara Bareilles
Bennie and The Jets -Elton John
Can't Remember to Forget You -Shakira ft. Rihanna
Follow Your Arrow -Kacey Musgraves
Merry Go 'Round -Kacey Musgraves
La La La -Naughty Boy ft. Sam Smith
#Selfie -The Chainsmokers
Wanderlust(Snakeships remix) -The Weeknd
Lullabies(Adventure Club Remix) -Yuna
& Eminem's newest album; Marshal Mathers LP 2

xoxo -Madi :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Life Update & What's to Come on my Blog!

HI! Long time no blog! I literally haven't blogged since last year! I had no idea, i'm so sorry! WOW. So let's do a little "life update" today. K? So I made an update video on my channel a little bit ago. Watch it!

O my gosh! Life has been crazy! So 1st off, can anyone believe its almost April of 2014?? HOLY CRAP!!! Like what?!?! But like I said in a recent video(I think this^ one), 2014 is my year, I can feel it in my bones! I graduate from high school this year, which has been a long time coming and I so glad it's almost over! I graduate the first weekend of May but I will be done with school by mid-June, yah online school probs. ;p But no the less I am graduating and will (hopefully) be attending my college of choice this fall! AH! It's all so excite! (Bunny anyone? ;p) ALSO this past February a huge thing happened for me and that is that StyleHaul invited me to join their network!! AHH! O MY GOSH! I'm still in shock! That has been my dream FOREVER! *girlish squeal* AND I hit over 1,000 subscribers on my main channel!! AHHHH!! ALL of the things soooo exciting! & a huge thank you to all of you guys because I would not be able to be here and get all these amazing opportunities through YouTube with out you guys! I love y'all! Really, I do. This year I really feel like I'm "coming into myself", like I'm realized who I truly wanna be as a person. It's my coming of age haha. Also, this year I will be (hopefully) traveling a lot! All of the sudden I wanna go everywhere. ;p I hopefully will be going to Florida with my boyfriend in July to see my grandparents and go to the beach and go on my granddads boat and stuff. But I am 99.9% sure I am going to....VEGAS this September!! AH! AND for free!!! Don't you just love being invited to things by wealthy people?!? XD I will be going for 4 days I believe with my boyfriend and his grandparents (wow lots of grandparents this summer ;p but their cool (and younger if you're curious), for my boyfriends 21st birthday. Don't worry I don't drink, I'm 21 anyways. ;p But boo i can't gamble in Vegas ;/ I'll have to go to Oklahoma. ;p Also, I would loveee to go on a road trip with my boyfriend and his best friend and his girlfriend! I think that would be so fun! I should probably run that by them first ;p I hope none of them see this! 😁 <Look I added and emoji! HAHA! So guys. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow?? HINT: I mentioned it on my video up there^! I'm....getting a TATTOO!! AHH! I'm so excited and so nervous!! I'm getting to X's like this XX except one on top of the other, really small on the left side of my left foot. They are a viking symbol "inguz" which means, where there's a will, there's a way. Let's see if I chicken out! But I will definitely vlog! Random note; I am really liking editing with iMovie! Much better than anything on Windows. So as I mentioned in that^ video. I wanna make more personal videos, like advice of real stuff, like; periods, bras, sex, boys, love and more! What do y'all think?? P.S. I am sooo proud of myself for keeping consistent with my videos! :D

What's to come on this blog?? Well. I definitely wanna blog more! I wanna start doing beauty product reviews and extra pictures from tutorial and fashion videos and such and of corse pictures from my travels! And yes, Dear Zacharys will be coming back. And more life stuff! I feel like I can tell y'all more stuff here then I can on my YouTube videos sometimes.

Well I think that's it for now! I need to try and get some more sleep! I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to vlog! ;p I love y'all bunches and I'll talk to you really soon!!
xoxo -Madi Hearts <3

P.S. I think I'm gonna change my blog URL to MadiHearts because I kinda like being know by that and it drives me nuts that i can't get that username on twitter or instagram and they're taken by people who don't even use their accounts!! UGH!!